About our Website

Hey there! Tia Here!

This website is for; Schools, Young Girls, Teachers, Parents and anyone who has any relation to those who menstruate! This website is made to teach and inform people, especially young women, about periods and how it effects you.

We touch on a variety of topics, ranging from period symptoms, to what products there to are to use for what type of flow you have.

We hope that this website can really help you!

We even have a page for parents, to get that first conversation started with their kid!

“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos- the trees, the clouds, everything.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh

Period Basics and Questions

Down below is a few basic knowledge points about menstruation and answers to a few commonly asked questions, by young people in schools.

How Do you know that your period is coming?

A good sign you're getting close to the time when your first period will arrive is if you notice a discharge coming from your vagina. It might be thin and slightly sticky or thick and gooey, and can be clear to white or off-white in color. Usually, this happens about 6 months before you get your first period.

Is it normal if my breasts hurt?

Yes! it is a sign that your body and breasts are growing, it is completly normal!

Do tampons take away your virginity?

No, they don't take away your virginity

What can help my cramps - that dosen't involve medication?

if you have wheat bags, hot water bottle bags or heat packs, those are great for temporary relief!

Does your Bodyshape change?

Yes it does. Your body shape could increase during periods and your stomach could bloat due to menstruation symptoms.